Friday, October 16, 2015

No wonder it was out of date

Gee, I'm sorry to hear that. I wondered why I have been going to places and there is nothing happening or something different than I expected is there. That could be the answer. No Manager of Culture to keep the calendar current. We really should have one. There are probably other things they could do.

Signed: Spacey Cadet

Culture Calendar

Oh, dear,

I am so frustrated. Since the Manager of Culture ran away, nobody is keeping the Culture web site calendar up to date and I am missing some of my favorite activities.

Signed: A. Preciator.

Welcome to Frighton Culture

Welcome to Frighton Culture. A hamlet, barely visible rising from the myths of time just large enough to shelter the timid souls who inhabit the land called Frighton.

This magic mirror is a place where messages, thoughts, yes, and the fears of those denisons can be exposed and shared among them and viewed by persons in the real world. The magic of the mirror presents the messages in readable form, not reversed, on either side. Strangely, the viewers may not be aware of which side they are on and consequently whether they are real or unreal.

It is said that we make culture every day. This is true, but the Frightonese will be disclosing their follies and foibles as their culture wends its way forward. They will be checking their progress often. So should you.

You are welcome to play your role, whether it be observer or participant. Remember. when it comes to Frighton Culture, "Its better than nothing."

I, however, am just the owner of the mirror and take no responsibility for any of the traffic that uses it.